What are the effect of stretching?
Stretching on a regular basis can have several health benefits. Many people know that stretching before physical activity is important, but stretching every day regardless of physical activity is important as well.
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Stretching is one component of fitness that a lot of us find way too easy to skip. But there are some benefits of stretching that might just make you want to add it to your routine. So here are some benefits that stretching has.
Physical Benefits of Stretching
1. Stretching improves flexibility
Regular stretching can help increase your flexibility, which is crucial for your overall health. Not only can improved flexibility help you to perform everyday activities with relative ease, but it can also help delay the reduced mobility that can come with aging.
2. Increased range of motion
With flexibility comes range of motion. Range of motion is about how far your joints can move. One study found that both static and dynamic stretching are effective when it comes to increasing range of motion, although where you stretch a muscle to limit, may be more effective for immediate gains.
3. Stretching improve posture
Muscle imbalances are common and can lead to poor posture. Specifically, the muscle of the chest, back (both lower and upper), and hips can cause poor posture if they are tight. Many of us spent at least portion of our day sitting at a computer or looking at a phone or tablet. The position that is typical with these activities. We can improve on this by stretching the pectoralis and hamstring muscles.
4. Improved sport performance
Ultimately, this is what athletes are looking to achieve from all parts of their training, whether it be technique sports specific drills, strengthening, or stretching. So how does stretching help to improve sport performances? It is one of the factor that helps you warm up and prepare your body for action.
5. Increase blood flow to your muscles
Performing daily stretches on regular will may improve your circulation. Improved circulation increase blood flow to your body muscles, which can shorten your recovery time and reduce muscles soreness. stretching will surely increase blood flow to your muscles.
Mental Benefits of Stretching
1. Stretching help you relax
For lot of people, stretching just feels good. And things that make us feel good whether that's eating a chocolate, your favorite foods, taking a hot bath, or stretching can help reduce a calmer state, this is why stretching help you to relax.
2. Stretching ends your workout on a positive note
Finishing your workout with various exercises might not leave you with most pleasant impression your exercise session. Doing some various stretches, on the other hand, can help you end your workout on a happier. And doing this best stretches makes you think more positively on your workout in general and most likely to gain.
3. Stretching relaxed awareness of your body and mind
Allow your mind to drift away from the day. Stretching bring mind to your body, the muscles you are moving, and the breath you inhale and exhale. Becoming aware of your movement, no matter how small, can help you refocus on you.
4. Release hormones for mood and emotion
Stretching also effect on a brain cells as well on the muscle system. Emotion hormones are delivered throughout body to help regulate metabolism and bring the insulin as well your attitude. Therefore the best stretches release hormones for mood and emotion.
Is Stretching good for you?
Stretching have many benefits, not only can stretching help to increase flexibility, which is an important part in fitness, but it can also improve your posture, reduce your mind stress and body aches, and more.
Types of stretching techniques
There are few different types of stretching techniques, some stretching styles will be more beneficial at specific points of exercise. But the most common forms of stretches are static and dynamic.
• Dynamic
This type of stretching is done before and during workouts. It requires you to move through stretches repeatedly in a fluid motion.
• Static
Done during and after workouts, this is a longer held stretch where the body stays still in the stretching pose.
• Use dynamic stretches before exercise to prepare your muscles.
• Use static stretches after exercise to reduce your risk for injury.
How to Stretch Safely
Be sure that you are not completely cold before you stretch. If it's pre-workout stretch, then shake your body out a bit to get some warmth generating through your limbs before you stretch them.
Tips to keep in mind with stretching.
‣ When you stretch matters.
‣ Certain stretches are more effective for certain workouts.
‣ Stretching shouldn't hurt, and is generally safe.
What actually happens inside the muscle when it stretches?
Muscles have a fixed point where they attach to the bone at either end. Consequently, what we don't change, is the physical length of the muscle tissue. As you stretch the overlap becomes less. Hence when you stretch, the muscle fiber is pulled out to its full length, and then the connective tissue takes up the remaining slack.